A lifetime of piano



Martin Brookes is an improvisational pianist/composer, creating from silence and the present moment. Playing piano for over sixty years, he has forged a deep and personal relationship with the instrument.

     "I began improvising in the 1990's while going through a particularly difficult period in my life. Unable to express myself in words I turned to the piano. By allowing my hands the freedom to play whatever the heart desired I became nothing more than a witness. Out of this 'allowing' came a voice of healing, kindness and peace, that not only comforted myself but also those around me"

Martin has been a volunteer with the "Healing Through Music" program at Cedar Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles for sixteen years.

   "Creating a sonic healing space for patients and visitors is incredibly rewarding."

Martin studied composition, counter-point, score study and ear-training with Professor Steve Rothstein of UCLA as well as orchestration studies with Robert Drasnin of Local 47.